About This Course

Img 5838Hi, I’m Tony Peterson. The creator of all things “Intentional Trader”. I want to congratulate you on starting one of the best training courses for day trading available. Yes, I created it AND I say it’s the best because I have firsthand knowledge from hundreds of traders that have told me as much. We have been teaching traders how to day trade a very simple yet powerful trading system since 2009. And in all that time, it has not changed much, but only gotten better by adding new tools to make the Pullback trading system even more efficient and powerful. But our system does not just rely on our charts, indicators, and other typical trading tools. We’re also going to teach you how to act and think like a successful day trader. What does that mean? We are going to show you that

Image (1)you need to have a complete understanding of what day trading is and why you have probably been approaching it the wrong way. We’re also going to teach you that you don’t need to know as much about day trading as the rest of the day trading world would like you to think you need to know. You also don’t need as much “stuff” to make good, high probability trades with a unique and demonstrable edge.

In the next module, you are going to learn that the value of good training is not in the material being covered, but in the process of covering it. You overachievers that want to know it NOW and make a lot of money NOW will find this course more challenging and less beneficial than those that embrace the process of learning.

There seems to be only so much that some people know how to teach about Day Trading, so they keep copying each others trading programs and redistributing them. That is not what you are going to find here. All of this information is coming straight from me and my experiences right to you and your hopefully open mind. On occasion throughout the course, I will refer to others (articles, blogs, videos, quotes, etc.) that better explain what I want to say, or videos produced by others that did a better job than I could in explaining something I want to say. I’ll make sure to point it out and give credit where it is due.

I have made a specific attempt to keep the tone of this course light and personal. I will not speak over your head in grandiose trading theories or assume that you know anything about the markets at all. In some cases, I’ll explain some things to you about the markets, in others, I’ll refer you to Mr. Google. He’s pretty smart and has a lot of information that you don’t need to get from me here. If you get stuck, don’t stay stuck. Contact us at [email protected] any time you need to. That’s what we’re here for.

But I am here now to warn you that you will be expected to LEARN from this course. You will notice that each module has at least one quiz that you must complete before proceeding to the next module. These quizzes are not intended to be easy. If we make them easy, you won’t really force yourself to focus on the material being covered. I recommend that you take copius notes and really attempt to understand what is being taught in each lesson. There is a good chance you are going to get tripped up on information you thought you knew or understood, only to find that you skimmed over it to quickly.

Now, strap in and get ready to have some fun and learn some really good stuff. But, I must insist that you keep an open mind. Especially those of you who think that because you have been trading for so many years you already know everything there is to know. I promise you, if you open your mind you WILL learn something that is going to make you a better day trader and possibly even a better person. Yes, you will be learning things in this course that will be beneficial in your everyday life also. Let’s get started!

Note: The Fast Forward Program is designed specifically to help you learn to become a better trader at trading The Intentional Trader Pullback Trading system. The program and information therein is not intended to be considered a program for general information about day trading to be applied to other trading styles, instruments, or systems.

Pdf Icon.svg Module 1 About This Course

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